Esta es Dana, tiene 9años y lleva casi toda la vida encerrada en este chenil. Se la suele sacar cuando se limpia el chenil, o cuando vienen dos chicos que le gustan los animales. Apenas toma confianza es una perra muy cariñosa. Es también guardiana de su casa cuando la dejas suelta. Pero ahora necesita urgentemente un hogar. La casa donde está (aunque ella permanece en el chenil), será habitada dentro de muy poco. Es cuestión de días. Las personas que la tienen lo único que quieren es quitársela de encima.
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Después de la vida que lleva no se merece este final. ¿Existe alguien que quiera hacerla feliz sus últimos años?
DANA está en un pueblo de Jaén.
Tel. 63595791 - (Overo)
.This is Gana has 9años, takes almost a lifetime locked in this Chenil, is usually drawn when the clean Chenil come or when two boys who likes animals, when making the trust is a very loving dog, also guardian of his house when the leave loose, but urgently needs a home, the house where he is (although she is in the Chenil) will be settled very soon, is a matter of days, all I want is rid of It is very urgent after THE life they lead does not deserve this end., Someone who wants to do FELIZ during his last years? Is in a village in JAEN
.This is Gana has 9años, takes almost a lifetime locked in this Chenil, is usually drawn when the clean Chenil come or when two boys who likes animals, when making the trust is a very loving dog, also guardian of his house when the leave loose, but urgently needs a home, the house where he is (although she is in the Chenil) will be settled very soon, is a matter of days, all I want is rid of It is very urgent after THE life they lead does not deserve this end., Someone who wants to do FELIZ during his last years? Is in a village in JAEN
Tel. 63595791 - (Overo)